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STAGE: Speaking To an Audience in a diGital Environment


Phd : Yann Glémarec

Supervision :  Anne-Gwenn Bosser, Jean-Luc Lugrin, Cédric Buche, Marc Erich Latoshick

Context/Funding : Cotutelle ENIB – Uni Würzburg (HCI-Group)

General Goal : To propose a virtual audience behaviour model for Virtual Reality (VR) and to integrate it into training and therapeutic applications providing high-level controls for experts (Exposure Therapy, Public speaking training).

Scientific challenges

  1. To build a behaviour model and run perceptual studies in VR.
  2. To implement a VR application integrating the behaviour model (classroom, conference room).
  3. To evaluate the resulting application in real-life situations (public speaking training, fear of public speaking therapy).
Keywords: Virtual audience, Virtual reality, Emotional Perception, virtual agents, nonverbal behaviour


 The STAGE system (Speaking To an Audience in a digGital Environment) provides a full environment for public speaking training and has been used and evaluated in a pedagogical context. With STAGE, tutors can easily predefine a virtual audience behavior for a specific training session, and adapt and control this audience at runtime from a desktop computer whilst students experience the simulation using a VR headset.

To fulfil requirements expressed by tutors and therapists, who need to monitor and adapt the simulation to their users at runtime, the system provides:
– an authoring interface to define audience’s behavior scenarios;
– high-level controls for adapting them at runtime;
– a visualization tool providing various data related to the user experience and performance.

STAGE relies on the AMBIANCE audience model (Attitude Model defining the Behaviour of Individual AgeNts for Constructing audienCEs), which provides a variety of non-verbal behaviors for a group of virtual agents inducing specific attitude perceptions.


Vidéos Démo Laval Virtual 2022:



  1.  Glemarec Y, Lugrin J-L, Bosser A-G, Buche C and Latoschik M. E. (2022) Controlling the Stage: A High-Level Control System for Virtual Audiences in Virtual Reality. Front. Virtual Real. 3:876433. doi:10.3389/frvir.2022.876433
  2.  Glemarec, Y., Lugrin, J. L., Bosser, A. G., Buche, C., & Latoschik, M. E. (2021, December). Conference Talk Training With a Virtual Audience System. In Proceedings of the 27th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (pp.1-3).
  3.  Glemarec Y, Lugrin J-L, Bosser A-G, Collins Jackson A, Buche C and Latoschik M. E. (2021) Indifferent or Enthusiastic? Virtual Audiences Animation and Perception in Virtual Reality. Front. Virtual Real. 2:666232. doi:10.3389/frvir.2021.666232
  4. Glemarec, Y., Lugrin, J. L., Bosser, A. G., Cagniat, P., Buche, C., & Latoschik, M. E. (2020, September). Pushing Out the Classroom Walls: A Scalability Benchmark for a Virtual Audience Behaviour Model in Virtual Reality. In Mensch und Computer.
  5. Glemarec, Y., Bosser, A. G., Buche, C., Lugrin, J. L., Landeck, M., Latoschik, M. E., & Chollet, M. (2019, November). A Scalability Benchmark for a Virtual Audience Perception Model in Virtual Reality. In 25th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (pp. 1-1)
  6. Lugrin, J. L., Bosser, A. G., Latoschik, M. E., Chollet, M., Glemarec, Y., & Lugrin, B. (2019, May). Towards narrative-driven atmosphere for virtual classrooms. In Extended abstracts of the 2019 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems (pp. 1-6).

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